Gatil Premiado e Criador de Gato Amicats
Original IPC Certification
AMICATS® Venda Gatos-Gigantes Maine coon Bengal Ragdoll Exotic & Mini Gato Toycat -(novidade)
Criação Gatos com Certificação de Sustentabilidade IPC Ecologicamente Correta
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GATIL PREMIADO AMICAT'S Selo Verde IPC Inernational Petclube
Você já teve um gatinho e quis que ele ficasse pequeno e brincalhão para sempre?
O termo Munchkin, em inglês, significa pessoa muito pequena ou criança. Sua principal característica é ser o único gato no mundo que possui pernas com 1/3 do tamanho normal e costas longas.O Munchkin tem uma personalidade dócil, semelhante a de filhotes. Eles mantêm esse jeito por toda sua vida.
O Munchkin é uma das mais novas raças de gato nos Estados Unidos. Foi descoberta numa exposição da Tica em 1991.
A origem é Estados Unidos, primeiro país a reconhecer e desenvolver esta raça, mas há rumores de que o gene que resulta em gatos de patas curtas tenha se desenvolvido na Europa, segundo registros de gatos com as mesmas características na Rússia, Alemanha e Grã-Bretanha, anteriores à Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dado como desaparecido na Europa, o Munchkin foi redescoberto em Rayville, Louisiana, nos Estados Unidos, por Sandra Hochenedel na década de 1980. À procura de um gato de estimação para seus três filhos, ela encontrou a fêmea grávida Blackberry, que vivia debaixo de um caminhão numa área rural.
Mini Gatos Raça Munchkins
O Munchkin é bastante indicado para a vida em apartamento. Alguns criadores apontam que as pernas curtas dificultam o animal em pular de janelas e sacadas, fazendo com que ele possa ser criado com maior segurança. Apesar das patas curtinhas, eles conseguem correr e pular da mesma forma que outras raças, porém, não pulam tão alto quanto outros bichos.
A raça Munchkin no Brasil e os Novos MiniGatos Amicats
Os Munchkins são extremamente dóceis e carinhosos, se adaptando facilmente com crianças, outros gatos e até cachorros. Podemos encontrar Munchkins de todas as cores e nas variedades Long Hair e Short Hair. No Brasil, os criadores Amicat's filiados a WCF , Abrafe, Internationale Petclube inclusive com Selo Verde de preservação do Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade.
O Gatil Amicats importou dos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Malasia e Indonésia , Gineta, Bengal, Ragdoll
Com carinho e dedicação nacriação sustentável ganhou merecidamente o Selo Verde na criação de Amimais de Estimação da IPC.
No Brasil, são raros criadores da raça, hoje com pouco mais de 10 anos de existência. Da mesma forma, estudos sobre a saúde e a genética da raça ainda estão em desenvolvimento. Sua aparência exótica é fator de atração entre admiradores de gatos ou no meio gatófilo.
GATIL PREMIADO AMICAT´S SP Pedigree IPC reconhecendo os mini gatos no mundo.
LEIA MAIS ATENÇÃO: TODOS os nosso cães e gatos, filhotes ou adultos que são disponibilizados para venda estão condicionados a assinatura e concordância do comprador com um CONTRATO DE COMPRA-E-VENDA E POSSE RESPONSÁVEL. Ou seja, constatados maus-tratos eles concordam que o cão será retirado de sua posse, bem como, em caso de alguma eventualidade que os faça desistir de manter o animal a obrigação de nos comunicar para encontrarmos outro lar permanente, sem ônus para o adotante, exceto o da castração e pós-operatório, entre outros itens. CASO O CANDIDATO A COMPRA SE RECUSE, A VENDA NÃO É EFETIVADA. Somos comprometidos com o bem-estar animal.
Por favor agende sua visita em horário comercial inclusive sábados, domingos e feriados pelos telefones: +55 11 984854545 / 55 11 4684 1047 / 55 11 4684 1721 e escolha seu filhote das raças:
American Bully Overbully, American Stafforshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Bulldog Americano, Bulldog Campeiro, Bulldog Francês, Bulldog Inglês, Chihuahua, Pitbull Moderno, Pug, Spitz Lulu da Pomerânia, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bengal Amicat's, Exóticos de Pêlo Curto, Maine Coon Amicat's, Ragdoll Amicat's
Juquitiba Sao Paulo Brasil
"A grandeza de uma nação pode ser julgada pelo modo que seus animais são tratados." (Mahatma Gandhi)
Ami cat MUNCHKIN Minueto NAPOLEON Genetta TOY CAT Minueto Minuet -Maine Coon Bengal Ragdoll Exotic Short Hair.
Original IPC Certification
Gatil Premiado Petclube USA Brasil
Petclube® Mainecoon,Bengal,Ragdoll,Exotic Persian & Mini Gato Toycat
whatsapp(11)98485-4545 hc whatsapp(11) 96393-1128
whatsapp(11) 11 96372-9323 hc
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The Small Cat Breeds of the World
A number of small cat breeds exist and can be broken down into different groups - the dwarf cats, the miniature cats and the teacup cats. These cats are sometimes referred to as "pocket cats" or "toy cats."
Dwarfism is usually due to an endocrine malfunction (the endocrine system is instrumental in regulating metabolism and growth) and a combination of genetic factors. The name is used to describe conditions that result in undersized individuals.
Dwarf cats and miniature cats are a very controversial issue, and there are people who oppose the breeding of these cats, saying that it is cruel to breed cats with a deformity just because there is a demand for these cats. There are unscrupulous breeders who will try to sell a small cat as a miniature cat.
A genuine miniature cat or dwarf cat will have been selectively bred and will be of small size consistently. These breeders would also have ensured that their cats are healthy and will be very picky when it comes to selling a cat or a kitten. Reputable breeders avoid inbreeding which will lead to health issues.
Dwarf Cats
munchkin cat breedThe Munchkin
The Munchkin is a small to medium sized cat and can weigh between 5 and 9 pounds when fully grown. Due to a natural mutation that shortens the long leg bones this small breed of cat has a short stature.
In September 1994 TICA accepted the Munchkin into their new breed development program. Although the Munchkin has short legs, it does not stop it from being an active, playful cat that likes to run. The only limitation is that this small breed cat cannot jump like its long-legged counterparts. The Munchkin is the founding breed of the dwarf cats.
More on the Munchkin Cat Breed
minskin cat breedThe Minskin
Currently this dwarf breed of cat is classified by TICA as a preliminary new breed. The Minskin has hair on its face, ears, nose, legs and tail with the body having a sparse cover of hair. The Minskin is an affectionate, loyal, intelligent and very playful small breed cat.
More on the
Cat Breed
The Lambkin
The Lambkin is a cross-breeding between a Selkirk Rex and a Munchkin. The result is a small cat breed with a very curly coat. The Lambkin is currently registered with TICA as a new breed.
The Bambino
The Bambino is a cross-breed between the Sphynx and the Munchkin.
This small cat breed was created only in 2005 and is therefore also considered to be a new and rare breed of dwarf cat. The Bambino is short-legged with a hairless body. This small cat breed is affectionate and people-orientated and is also very playful and agile.
The Kinkalow
This dwarf cat is a result of the cross breeding between an American Curl and a Munchkin.
The Kinkalow is a small cat with the typical curled back ears of the American Curl cat breed. This small cat breed is registered with TICA as an experimental breed.
The Napoleon
This dwarf cat is a cross between a Persian and a Munchkin. This new breed is not yet registered with any associations. The Napoleon is short-legged with long, silky fur and big eyes.
skookumThe Skookum
This small breed of cat is a cross between the Munchkin and the LaPerm cat breed with the result being a short legged cat with a curly coat. This rare breed of cat is registered with the Dwarf Cat Association and TICA as an experimental breed.
(Skookum cat owned by Beth Fillman)
The Dwelf
sphynx The Dwelf cat is a hybrid cat, a result of a cross between the Munchkin, the American Curl and the Sphynx. There is only an artist's drawing available of this cat.
Teacup Cats and Miniature Cats
Miniature cats are normally about half the size of normal sized cats of the same breed and it is their appearance that make them so popular with people. What should be remembered is that not all small cat breeds are miniature cats.
The Singapura is the smallest cat of the registered cat breeds, but does not qualify as a miniature cat. Teacup cats are available in a variety of breeds and are simply put, small miniature cats. These small cat breeds are usually only about 9 inches high when they are mature.
It should be noted that teacup cats and miniature cats are not recognized cat breeds. Due to their size, teacup kittens are extremely vulnerable and it is rare that you will find a breeder that will let you purchase a kitten before it is between 5-6 months old. Some breeders try to sell small cats as miniature cats or teacup cats, but a real teacup cat or kitten would be bred specifically with the miniature traits of the specific cat.
The difference between a teacup cat and a dwarf cat is the legs - a dwarf cat has the typical short legged stature whilst the teacup cat is just a miniature cat of a specific breed. Teacup cats should only be purchased through registered breeders to ensure that you are getting a cat or kitten that has not been inbred and has health issues.
The Munchkin Cat Breed
Amicat MUNCHKIN Minueto NAPOLEON Genetta TOY CAT Minueto Minuet -Maine Coon Bengal Ragdoll Exotic Short Hair.
Original IPC Certification
Gatil Premiado Petclube
Petclube® Gatos-Gigantes Mainecoon,Bengal,Ragdoll,Exotic Persian & Mini Gato Toycat
whatsapp(11)98485-4545 Lisi hc whatsapp(11) 96393-1128 Dr.Gabriel
whatsapp(11) 11 96372-9323 hc Bruno
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People think that the Munchkin cat breed is a new mutation, but this is not true. Dr HE Williams-Jones wrote in a British veterinary report in 1944 about four generations of short-legged cats.
One of these cats was an 8 year old female whose mother, grandmother and offspring were all similar in appearance and all were very healthy and active. Sadly, this line was lost during WWII.
However, in 1956 in Stalingrad, in 1970 in New England and in the 1980’s in Louisiana the short-legged trait was seen again.
Munchkin cat breed Munchkin Cat
Sandra Hockenedel found a pregnant short-legged cat in 1983 – this miniature cat became the foundation for the Munchkin cat breed we know today. This cat was called Blackberry and Sandra gave one of Blackberry’s offspring to a friend. From these two cats the Munchkin breed was established by out-crossing with domestic cats to diversify the gene pool.
In September 1994, the Munchkin was accepted into the New Breed development program by TICA. This program is used to monitor the breeding statistics under the supervision of the Genetics Committee. Data showed that the short-legged mutation followed a dominant pattern of inheritance (the same as the Corgi and Dachshund dog breeds) and in May 2003, TICA granted championship status to the Munchkin cat breed.
The Munchkin cat breed is a small to medium sized cat weighing between 5-9 pounds when fully grown. Only their short legs make the Munchkin cat look different to any other normal cat.
A natural mutation shortening the leg bones is responsible for the short legs. In the Munchkin the spine is different from that of a short-legged dog such as a Corgi and therefore this miniature cat breed does not suffer from the same kind of spinal problems associated with dog breeds with the same mutation.
Munchkin cat breed
Munchkins can be either short haired or long haired and are available in every pattern and color you can think of. The variety of patterns and colors are due to the out-crossing that maintains the breed’s genetic diversity.
Long haired Munchkins have an all-weather coat that is silky to the touch. Grooming is required twice a week to ensure that the coat stays tangle free and shiny.
Short haired Munchkins have an all-weather coat that is plush and only require a brushing once a week to keep the coat in top condition.
Personality & Temperament
The Munchkin is a playful, sociable cat that loves games that involve lots of running and chasing. No, you did not misread. Even though these cats have short legs, this does not deter them from running around in a mad dash after a toy. Some people say that a Munchkin in action looks like a little radio-controlled car zooming around.
These miniature cats love children and other pets – even dogs. They are very curious and will investigate everything and anything. Although they might not be able to jump from the floor to the top of a cupboard, they will be sure to find a route that will include a few smaller jumps to reach their destination.