Filhotes de Cães Bully e Gatos Gigantes - ragdoll large cat

ragdoll large cat

ragdoll large cat

  • Ragdoll Large Cat Ragdoll Cat floppy

    Essence of the Ragdoll

    The Ragdoll is a large, floppy, people loving, blue eyed and pointed cat, with a pleasant domestic head type with wide spaced ears and non extreme semi wedge shaped muzzle.
    What is a Ragdoll?A fascinating cat, the Ragdoll from California enjoys great success and has a large following of breeders and owners. It is not the only cat breed to emigrate from California, but it is probably the best known and its unusual breed name causes interest wherever it is seen. In fact, the name Ragdoll was given by the original breeder Ann Baker in the 1960's and was so named for its captivating tendency to go limp like a child's toy when held in human arms.

    The ancestors of today's Ragdoll breed are a bit of a mystery. It is believed they descended from a combination of three feral cats: a white semi- longhaired cat named Josephine; a seal point male with white feet called Daddy Warbucks and a black male called Blackie.

    There has been much myth surrounding the origin of the breed. Every Ragdoll ancestry must be traceable back to Josephine.

    Ragdolls are extremely huggable. Estimates of adult Ragdoll size range between 8 to 12 pounds (4-5kg)for females and 12 to 16 pounds (5-8kg) for males. Ragdolls are a large cat that reaches full maturity between the ages of three to four years.

    Unfortunately myths still persist in some circles and cat owners have been mislead into believing that Ragdolls do not feel pain, do not cause allergies to those allergic to cats, cannot defend themselves and do not possess normal cat instincts such as hunting. All of the above are untrue. Ragdolls should be treated with the same care and respect bestowed upon all other breeds.

    When all the fallacies are stripped away, the facts remain. The Ragdoll is a gentle, good natured and loving cat that possesses a unique and quiet charm which can quickly convert the most dedicated ailurophobe into a Ragdoll fan.The Ragdoll has a soft semi-long coat which does not require as regular a grooming as many other long-haired breeds. Ragdolls are born white and the color comes in slowly....although you can tell seal and blue anywhere from a few days to a can't determine chocolate and lilac for 3-4 weeks. They have very good color by 8-12 weeks but they don't get their full color for about 2 years. 'Kim Patterson'

    Ragdolls are available in the following:

    bulletExamples below, click on image to see larger view, wait a few seconds and the image will appear, click and hold at the top clear panel to drag anywhere on the screen for a better view, click the X to close.

    bulletPointed Colors: seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, red point, cream point, tortie point. More pictures coming soon!

    Seal Point

    Lilac Point

    Lilac versus Blue Point
    Lilac Point and Blue
    Point Comparison
    bulletThe coat patterns of the Ragdolls are: colorpoint, mitted, bicolor & lynx (tabby markings in one of the three previous patterns). The varying patterns may be bred in the above colors.



    Seal Tortie
    Seal Tortie Mitted
    Seal Bi-color
    Seal Bi-color
    Seal Mitted w/Blaze
    Seal Mitted w/Blaze
    Seal Torbie Mitted
    Seal Mitted
    Seal Mitted
    Seal Lynx
    Seal Lynx
    Seal Torbie
    Seal Torbie Mitted
    Seal Torbie
    Seal Torbie
    Seal Lynx Point Mitted w/Double Diamnond Blaze
    Seal Lynx Point
    w/Double Diamond Blaze Seal Tortie Mitted
    Seal Tortie Mitted


    Blue Lynx Point Bi-color
    Blue Lynx
    Photographer Jim Childs Blue mitted Blue mitted Blue Torbie
    Blue Torbie Blue Mitted
    Blue Mitted Blue Mitted Tortie
    Blue Mitted Tortie


    Chocolate Mitted
    Chocolate Mitted w/Blaze Chocolate Lynx Mitted
    Chocolate Lynx Mitted Chocolate Tortie Bi-color
    Chocolate Tortie Bi-color


    Lilac Bi-color Lynx

    Special Needs Ragdolls

    bulletPlease note: All Sales are between the individual private parties and not by Ragdoll International. Either parties may refuse or accept any offer or request.

    The Special Ragdoll is a cat with a special need. These are not cats with contagious diseases, but rather cats who require accommodation. These are cats who will still make wonderful additions to a pet home. Please consider them!

    If you would like to list your special needs ragdoll here, please send your information to


    O Ragdoll é considerada uma raça de gatos gigantes como o maine coon mas possui um lindo par de olhos azuis maravilhosos.
    Moderno Gatil Amicats Original São Paulo SP
    AMICATS® Gatos-Gigantes Maine coon Bengal Ragdoll  Exotic  Mini Gato Toycat -(novidade)
    Criação Gatos com Certificação IPC Ecologicamente Correta
    F: 11 98485 4545 whatsapp hc F : 11 96393-1128 Dr Gabriel